We're trying to keep looking ahead.
Lots of big things happening this month! Our Kickstarter campaign is live and we have our big post about taxes coming soon. We at Caramel Comics are also moving locations again. Let the packing commence!
We are still working on the website migration to a new individual website and host so not too much to share on the webpage side. Are you currently subscribed to our "Convention 101" blog series? One of our most requested topics will be coming out this month - taxes. As a small business, taxes can be one of the most confusing and daunting tasks to accomplish. Our new post will be able to help give some answers and make things a little easier. I will update this page when that post is live!
Our Kickstarter Enamel Pins campaign is live! Please go check it out and spread the word!
For the duration of our campaign, our Pride Pop Pin and Pride Pop Stickers will be unavailable for purchase through our webstore. If you would like one of these items, please pledge to the campaign! The costs are the same as my website and you will be getting some special bonuses as well. You'll also be helping us with reaching our funding goal!
I had hoped to get some of our new products back up in the webstore after the last entry, but unfortunately illness got in the way of my plans again. After our location move, priority one is to relist the new items. Keep posted to here for all of the latest updates!
Is it Spring where you are? There's still snow up here! Hopefully it melts before we start moving...
Thank you for all of your support as always. Please pledge to our Kickstarter campaign if you are able.